Thoughts On Reality…

Occasionally the borderline between light and shadow yawns wide.
The anima is snatched from my body and propelled somewhere other.
When I return to myself, am I different than I was before?

I have fallen into telephone wires, stumbled into treeshadows.
I have travelled through doorways like dark slices in the white skin of the world.
I have always come back, outwardly unchanged, inwardly rearranged.

I no longer witness the world through the eyes of the walker asleep.
Now all I see arrives through the bright eyes of the wide-awake dreamer.
Still, I feel we awaken only to awaken and wake again.

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Wow, a triple decker! I sense some deep thinking going on here, not least in the final line!!

  2. Reality indeed!!!Deep.

  3. Sandwiches again?

  4. Cogito ergo nom! :D

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